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July 27, 2023
by Paige Spiranac

Golf Swing Changes for Better Ball Striking [Video]

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By: Paige Spiranac | Duration: 00:09:31

Video Description

I’ve been working so hard on my golf swing with my coach Jonathan Yarwood and it’s started to really pay off, so I wanted to share all of the changes I’ve been making lately with you! These have made me a more consistent and better ball striker. We go over my new grip, setup, takeaway, and other golf swing mechanics that you might be able to apply to your swing as well.

Want more golf instruction content? Make sure to subscribe to OnlyPaige! There’s sooo much there, and I’m always adding more.


Johnathan is based at Alpine Country Club in NJ. If you’re in the area and want to take lessons from him you can learn more here: https://jonathanyarwood.com/about-jonathanyarwood

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Video Transcript

  • 0:00 | hello everyone it’s Paige and welcome
  • 0:02 | back to my YouTube channel so I have
  • 0:05 | been posting my swing on Instagram
  • 0:07 | stories and you guys have noticed some
  • 0:09 | big changes and you’re dead on I started
  • 0:12 | working with Jonathan yarwood I haven’t
  • 0:14 | taken lessons in a very long time and
  • 0:17 | with the match that I had against John
  • 0:20 | Daly well it was then Jerry Kelly you
  • 0:22 | guys can go back and watch cell recap on
  • 0:25 | that I wanted to get my game in a better
  • 0:28 | spot I’ve always struggled a little bit
  • 0:29 | with my ball striking I think it’s
  • 0:32 | because of just the way my body is and I
  • 0:35 | could never really get on plane and in
  • 0:38 | the right positions and so Jonathan
  • 0:41 | really talked me through it in a way
  • 0:42 | that just clicked for me and that’s the
  • 0:46 | biggest thing when you are trying to
  • 0:48 | find a new golf instructor it’s not that
  • 0:51 | maybe one is better than the other It’s
  • 0:53 | just sometimes they explain it in a way
  • 0:55 | that just clicks and it makes sense and
  • 0:58 | that’s what happened with Jonathan so I
  • 0:59 | want to walk you through some of the new
  • 1:02 | swing changes that I’ve been working on
  • 1:04 | and how it has helped me become a better
  • 1:07 | boss Striker
  • 1:09 | foreign
  • 1:20 | so the first change that we made was my
  • 1:21 | grip so I had my left hand and my right
  • 1:25 | hand were too far separated and I had
  • 1:28 | too much of a strong grip so what we did
  • 1:30 | is we brought my right hand up and it
  • 1:33 | almost feels as if it’s on my left hand
  • 1:35 | as you know grip changes can be quite
  • 1:36 | uncomfortable and so I just brought it
  • 1:39 | up and that was the first change that we
  • 1:42 | made and he said that it was one of the
  • 1:44 | most important changes because if your
  • 1:46 | grip set up ball position is off then
  • 1:49 | you can’t get in the right position so
  • 1:51 | we just brought my right hand up to my
  • 1:54 | left hand the next thing that we worked
  • 1:55 | on was my arm position so I’ve talked
  • 1:59 | about this before but he just confirmed
  • 2:02 | that this was exactly what I should be
  • 2:03 | doing with having a larger chest so I
  • 2:07 | was getting too far on the left side of
  • 2:11 | my left breast and so when I was taking
  • 2:13 | it back I had to like move it out of the
  • 2:16 | way to get it in position and so my grip
  • 2:18 | hand was coming out in a round and
  • 2:20 | inside and then crossed at the top and
  • 2:23 | so what we did is We Lay this arm on top
  • 2:27 | and then we bend the elbow but when we
  • 2:31 | bend it it’s not like tucked in it’s
  • 2:34 | almost like it has a Bend outward and
  • 2:37 | this is actually going to help me with
  • 2:38 | my takeaway which I’ll talk about next
  • 2:40 | so again over the top on the left side
  • 2:43 | Bend slightly outward on the right arm
  • 2:59 | next we’re going to talk about the
  • 3:01 | takeaway and this was the biggest change
  • 3:03 | for me so I have always struggled with
  • 3:05 | my takeaway by coming out and in and
  • 3:07 | then I get a little cross at the top
  • 3:09 | which means then I come over the top
  • 3:12 | so what we decided to do is grip and the
  • 3:15 | setup really helped
  • 3:17 | but what Jonathan said is that when you
  • 3:19 | take it back I wouldn’t move my hips at
  • 3:22 | all and so my hips would stop and then
  • 3:25 | my arms would go out so we wanted to get
  • 3:27 | the hips to move first and the drill
  • 3:30 | that I always do really helps where you
  • 3:33 | push the ball back and as you do that
  • 3:35 | your turn you turn your hips
  • 3:37 | and then this is the biggest game
  • 3:39 | changer for me is I could never get my
  • 3:42 | elbow to bend properly and it’s this
  • 3:44 | motion not this motion
  • 3:47 | not this
  • 3:49 | this
  • 3:50 | so it’s a turn and you bend it back
  • 3:58 | and then from there you caulk and turn
  • 4:02 | and that’s the takeaway it’s as simple
  • 4:04 | and easy as that and I was always trying
  • 4:07 | to over complicate it by bending and
  • 4:10 | trying to do so much but it really is
  • 4:12 | just like pulling a lawnmower almost
  • 4:14 | that’s the feeling that I have that’s
  • 4:16 | not what he said
  • 4:18 | um but you just turn and move your elbow
  • 4:20 | backwards
  • 4:23 | and we also worked on shortening my back
  • 4:25 | swing but that just happened naturally
  • 4:27 | with everything else that we were
  • 4:29 | working on after we fixed the grip the
  • 4:31 | setup and the takeaway the next thing
  • 4:33 | was my weight transfer
  • 5:03 | foreign
  • 5:24 | next up we worked on weight transfer and
  • 5:27 | also bringing my club head more on the
  • 5:29 | inside I know a lot of you struggle with
  • 5:31 | coming over the top and I did as well it
  • 5:34 | was because my body was turning inwards
  • 5:37 | and so my hands if you wash my hands see
  • 5:40 | them just come forward
  • 5:42 | so to get my hands drop more from the
  • 5:45 | inside I have to bump my leg out to have
  • 5:49 | my hands drop to then turn through it so
  • 5:52 | it’s not a backwards motion it’s a bump
  • 5:56 | motion and so if you’re slicing it
  • 5:58 | coming over the top your hips need to
  • 6:00 | work properly for your club path to come
  • 6:03 | down on the proper plane
  • 6:05 | I you also just have to think about it
  • 6:08 | so when you’re at the top I have to feel
  • 6:10 | like I am dropping it so far from the
  • 6:13 | inside so I try to exaggerate it and I
  • 6:15 | feel like I’m almost like this you’re
  • 6:17 | not actually doing that but that is the
  • 6:19 | feeling that you have to have
  • 6:21 | so I really feel like I’m hitting these
  • 6:24 | Inside Out draws and you want to
  • 6:26 | exaggerate it at first but the hip
  • 6:28 | motion moving forward gives you room to
  • 6:31 | be able to drop your hands down and so
  • 6:33 | that’s everything that I’ve been working
  • 6:35 | on so at the top nice and slow
  • 6:38 | bump drop it down turn it through
  • 6:42 | well that’s not everything but that is
  • 6:45 | everything that we have worked on so far
  • 6:47 | and I’ve seen massive changes and
  • 6:49 | differences in my swing I wanted
  • 6:52 | something that was more reliable and
  • 6:54 | consistent and and simple there were so
  • 6:57 | many times where I’d be on the Tee Box
  • 6:59 | in Fairway and I’m like I have no idea
  • 7:03 | where this is going and that’s because I
  • 7:05 | had a two-way mess from a poor takeaway
  • 7:08 | coming over the top and it would go pull
  • 7:12 | left sometimes with a closed Club face
  • 7:14 | then it would go left and then sometimes
  • 7:16 | I would come over with an open Club face
  • 7:19 | and I’d hit these kind of dinky little
  • 7:21 | Fades and so I was just not really in a
  • 7:23 | great position and it makes sense
  • 7:25 | because I haven’t been taking lessons
  • 7:28 | and I haven’t really been grinding on my
  • 7:29 | swing but I just had this this goal for
  • 7:32 | this year to play better Golf and seeing
  • 7:35 | someone that can connect with you and
  • 7:37 | help you is so incredibly important
  • 7:40 | again so it’s set up
  • 7:43 | grip
  • 7:45 | turn the hips to start the takeaway
  • 7:48 | kind of brush it along the floor
  • 7:51 | bend the elbow
  • 7:52 | keep turning keep turning keep turning
  • 7:54 | sure in the backswing bump the hip drop
  • 7:58 | it down from the inside
  • 8:00 | fire through it
  • 8:02 | a lot of you also noticed that my
  • 8:04 | takeaway was quick and my fall through
  • 8:06 | was slow and so Jonathan told me to go
  • 8:09 | like as slow as I possibly can on the
  • 8:11 | backswing and then I can fire down
  • 8:14 | through it so now let’s put it all
  • 8:16 | together
  • 8:24 | what’s up
  • 8:30 | so that was what I’ve been working on so
  • 8:32 | far I can feel I feel like I can Master
  • 8:35 | it with my shorter irons longer irons I
  • 8:38 | still struggle with and Jonathan and I
  • 8:40 | really need to work on my driver because
  • 8:41 | since it’s a longer Club I get really
  • 8:44 | inside and it’s hard for me to make
  • 8:46 | those changes we also worked on some
  • 8:48 | wedge shots which I will show you in
  • 8:50 | another video but if you want to get
  • 8:53 | lessons from Jonathan yarwood I will put
  • 8:55 | information down below he teaches out of
  • 8:58 | Alpine Country Club in New Jersey and I
  • 9:01 | also want to thank Highlands Ranch Golf
  • 9:03 | Club for the amazing facilities and
  • 9:06 | having me out here today so I can really
  • 9:08 | get better at my swing at my game and
  • 9:11 | don’t forget to leave a comment Down
  • 9:13 | Below on what you’re working on and your
  • 9:16 | swing like this video subscribe to my
  • 9:18 | channel and I will see you next Thursday



  1. @jacobseymour7221

    OMG I'm fighting the opposite with my right elbow. I pull it back like you describe but then it turns into a chicken wing that doesn't fold under the club. Then it causes my club to point up super steep and I crash down into the ground. I'm trying to solve it by straightening both arms at address and they seem to fold properly. When I relax and slightly bend my right arm at address all this bad stuff happens.

  2. @Pe11ePD

    I appreciate nice pair of birdies.

  3. @alveer2412

    goodness graciooouuusss.. if she were my instructor, i think imma pretend not to learn anything, just so i can spend more time just watching her swing like that, in this precise angle.

  4. @davyhendrix

    Playing at seven hills in hemet this Saturday you are welcome to join us

  5. @seanconsack2786

    Let's face facts no guy is watching this video for golf instruction.

  6. @thecommish80

    Such good tips i took many many screengrabs to use for later.

  7. @sgtted7580

    I don't play Golf at all, Not sure why I am interested in this for.

  8. @danielkohler3458

    God blessed this woman with so much talent there was none left for the rest of us.

  9. @brieannafranze9853

    This video was so helpful for my particular swing and body type. Thank you Paige.

  10. @limle2268

    I like watching all of your videos Paige! More power to ladies golfer. I like how you are so clear speaking, short, and precise, right to the point. Happy Thanksgiving 2023 to you and your family! Stay beautiful and make us ladies proud! Love from CA.

  11. @acorrive

    Hello Paige. Thank you for an excellent video. I have started to include some of the swing changes in my own swing during my indoor practice sessions this winter. Since I live in Canada, the golf courses are closed for the winter, so it is a perfect time to work on improving my swing and getting rid of some of the bad habits that have crept up over the years. I enjoy your instructions videos immensely and I hope that you will make other videos about changes that you have made in your own swing to keep playing better. Keep up the good work and the entertaining way in which you present the information. Bravo.

  12. @2amike375

    I wanted to watch your hands, I really tried! ?

  13. @user-sf9bl6el3n

    I'm working on my grip. 10 index and I'm trying to release through the ball all carefree like. Changed my grip and alignment and the snap hook is gone and can work it fairly easily both directions. Hoping to hone down into single digits. It's fun regardless

  14. @johnr5252

    Your swing is so effortless Paige. A thing of beauty.
    And that outfit is awesome. Green is a nice color on you.

  15. @markhartig2489

    Jesus, Paige, you're giving me a headache. The human brain is capable of entertaining ONE conscious thought or image at any one moment – especially in the 2 seconds or less required to hit a golf ball. I just counted six or seven as you illustrated the thoughts your "new swing" employs to create your motion.

    Paige, you do not get or keep the club on plane because you neither SWING the club nor allow the club to SWING (the least understood word in the golf industry!). SWINGING objects trace a path of least resistance, that path a defining its plane – always returning to its point of origin. Your "problems" are BECAUSE of the myriad of thoughts coursing through your mind during the attempt. Not one of them will deliver you anything near affecting a SWING.

    You, beautiful lady, DO NOT SWING! You use big muscles to LEVERAGE the club. Aesthetically very appealing, but a SWING. Huge difference.

    My students are "swinging" the club within – at most – ten minuets. To wit: a new student from Iran was striping 5 woods 160 yards after 15 minuets. It took him a bit more time than usual, but he had never before participated in any activity that required striking an object with a stick!

    I live in Highlands Ranch and hope to have the pleasure of meeting you one day!

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